Include the months you started and ended a job, not just the years, on your resume
To a lot of people, this might seem commonplace, but sometimes, mostly when a position wasn’t worked for that long, candidates will list their positions based on simply the years they started and ended, making their entire time there seem longer. While this makes sense, it doesn’t really help the hiring manager or recruiter. For example, if there is any need for a background check like there is with a lot of positions nowadays, an employment verification will take place where the employer will find out how long you were at the position in the first place. If you’re trying to avoid looking like you jump around from job to job and couldn’t hold one down, that’s understandable, but explain in an interview or to your recruiter why that position didn’t work out (make sure you’re not being negative though!) or even write on your resume that the position was per diem, or temporary, or a contract, whenever it’s applicable.