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Quick Tips: Always say thank you (and then some!)

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author:by Daniela

Always Say Thank you, and then some!

I read a great article on yesterday, outlining why you should always go the extra mile when saying thank you, and I couldn’t agree more. The article has four brief suggestions for what you can do to go that extra mile to say thank you, including the very simple acts of writing a recommendation on LinkedIn and endorsing their skills on LinkedIn. After reading this article it has me thinking of how candidates, recruiters, and hiring managers can take saying Thank You for granted. There are so many little things that you can do to make your thank you feel more genuine. From sending a quick email to a handwritten note, to a LinkedIn message, it doesn’t have to be a jaw-dropping event, but putting just a little bit more thought can make someone’s day that much brighter. It’s something that I think not only job seekers need to work on, but employers as well. Employers can ask job seekers to go through several steps before getting an offer, and sometimes they won’t get an offer. Showing the candidate that you care about the time and effort that they have put into your process will show them that you not only care about your employees but the applicants as well. I highly recommend the Forbes artil